
 1)    Preamble

a)    This is the Constitution of the Junior Room (henceforth referred to as the JCR) of the College of Brasenose in Oxford (henceforth referred to as the College), which is an association primarily of those reading for undergraduate degrees at Brasenose, and membership of which is open to those people defined in (2.a).

b)    The Constitution is in accordance with Part II of the 1994 Education Act and is subject to immediate approval, and review at intervals of not more than 5 years, by the Governing Body of the College. It is to be read in combination with the College’s Code of Practice for the JCR and HCR.

c)    The objects of the JCR are to promote the interests and welfare of and social activities among its members and to represent the interests of its members to the Governing Body of the college.


2)    Membership

a)    A full member of the JCR will be defined as:

i)     Anyone studying for an undergraduate degree at Brasenose, and currently in statu pupillari, except those who choose to opt out under the terms of Appendix A.

ii)   The President, Vice President (Secretary) and Vice President (Treasurer) of the Hulme Common Room (henceforth referred to as the HCR), during their term of office.

iii) The President of the Brasenose Ball, during their term of office.

b)    An associate member of the JCR will be defined as:

i)     All members of the HCR who are not full members of the JCR.

ii)   All those defined as ‘Visiting Students’ by the College.

iii) Any other person or group of persons the JCR votes, by a simple majority, to admit as an Associate Member.

c)    Full members of the JCR alone shall have the right to stand for office, propose, second or vote for candidates for office, and vote, propose motions and speak in JCR meetings.

d)    The College also provides certain social, recreational and welfare facilities for the use of all junior members, including the use of the common room and bar. It provides many of these services through the JCR. All such services are available to all undergraduate and graduate students at BNC on equal terms whether or not they are full members, or associate members, or not members, of the JCR. In all matters except those specifically enumerated in (2.b), the JCR itself shall not make any distinction between full, associate and non-members.

e)    Unless specified, all mention of ‘members’ henceforth shall be taken to refer to both full and associate members, within the body of students at Brasenose.


3)    This Document

a)     Amendments to the Constitution are to be made by a majority vote at a JCR meeting and approved by the College’s Governing Body. The appendices may be amended by the JCR by a majority vote without the explicit approval of Governing Body, but with the consent of the Senior Member. Both the main text and the amendments can be amended at an emergency meeting of the JCR, but not by an emergency motion. Amendments made at an emergency meeting to the main text must still be approved by Governing Body.

b)    There are eight appendices in addition to and expanding upon this Constitution. Appendix A sets outs the procedure for opting out of membership of the JCR. Appendix B sets out the Regulations of the JCR. Appendix C sets out the Constitution of the JCR Charities Fund at Brasenose. Appendix D outlines the policies of the JCR. Appendix E indicates how the Room Ballot is to be conducted. Appendix F outlines the form for the running of the Brasenose Ball. Appendix G outlines the provision of referenda. Appendix H outlines the protocol for Halfway Hall.



4)    Officers and Roles

a)    There shall also be one Senior Member of the JCR who shall be a Fellow selected by Governing Body in consultation with the Officers of the JCR and who shall have all the rights of a full member of the JCR. The JCR President is to publicise the name of the Senior Member to all members of the JCR, for the sake of clause 7.a.ii and Appendix A of this Constitution.

i)     Such posts as are specified in Appendix B are to be elected annually by a secret ballot, in which all full members of the JCR are entitled both to stand and to vote.

ii)   The JCR Committee shall consist of the holders of those posts classified in Appendix B as committee posts.

iii) The rules and regulations and the complaints procedure concerning the conduct of elections are outlined in Appendix B.

iv)  All elections to the JCR Committee are subject to the satisfaction of the Senior Member, representing the Governing Body, that elections were free and fair.

v)    No two people may run jointly for a position on the JCR Committee.

vi)  No member may hold a post on the JCR Committee for more than two years.

vii)         In any election in which a candidate is standing uncontested, they must receive two-thirds of the votes cast in that election in order to be elected.

viii)       The JCR President has the right to invite up to two members of the JCR to be temporary members of the JCR Committee, for up to eight weeks at a time, subject to the approval of a majority of members present at a plenary JCR meeting.


5)    Finance

a)    The Treasurer of the JCR must produce an annual Treasurer’s Report and Budget outlining income and expenditure for the past and forthcoming year, at the time of year specified in Appendix B. These shall make reference to all external organisations to which the JCR has made a donation and details of these organisations. The Treasurer shall also list the values of subs and grants for all JCR schemes (incl. Entz, Charities and the Arts Festival) in their annual budget which the subsequent Treasurer must honour. The Treasurer’s report must also contain details of the expenditure of the Entertainments, Environment & Ethics, Arts and Charities funds after consultation with the appropriate JCR Officers. The Budget shall require the approval of the Senior Member of the JCR, representing the Governing Body, and must be available for inspection by all members of the Governing Body and students at Brasenose College.

b)    In the event of the non–approval of the Budget by the Senior Member the matter shall be referred to the next meeting of the JCR and after amendment by majority vote at this session be re–submitted to the Senior Member.

c)    There shall be certain expenditures, defined in Appendix B, which shall occur annually and which, while subject to the approval of the Senior Member, do not need the approval of a JCR meeting.

d)    If for any reason the Treasurer feels that the values of the subs or grants need to be changed from those stated in his/her predecessor’s report & budget then the Treasurer has the power to do so with the combined consent of the JCR President and the JCR committee member in charge of the scheme affected. If one of the involved parties does not consent then a motion for change must be passed in a JCR meeting.

e)    The terms of (d) only permit change to existing levies, and not new charges. These, and all other expenditures are subject to the voting procedures outlined in Appendix B.

f)     The JCR accounts shall be audited annually by the College Bursar, or on their behalf by another appropriate person.


6)    Donations, Clubs and Societies

a)    Donations to all clubs and other groups, except those outlined in Appendix B, shall be subject to approval by a plenary meeting of the JCR.

b)    The JCR may only expend its funds on internal projects which are for the benefit of junior members, on educational projects which could benefit its members or on external registered charities. External charities are only to receive money from the Charities fund as detailed in Appendix C.

c)    The Treasurer may distribute funds for the internal benefit of students of up to £50 at the discretion of the JCR Officers so long as all expenditure is detailed in the Treasurer’s annual report, up to a maximum of £250 during a single University term.

d)    Any expenditures in excess of £250 for whatever purpose, except those from the Charities Fund (see Appendix C), must be approved at two meetings of the JCR in the same academic year.


7)    Assets

a)    The funds, assets, and all other rights recognised by the law (the ‘Assets’) made available by any person or body for the use of the JCR shall be vested in the JCR Committee on trust for all full members of the JCR for the time being. This Constitution will have contractual force as to how the JCR Committee and Full Members of the JCR deal with their interests under this trust.

b)    Every full member of the JCR agrees not to exercise any claim otherwise arising to a share, divided or undivided, in the Assets.

c)    Every full member of the JCR agrees not to deal with their share in the Assets in any way not provided for in this constitution.

d)    On leaving the JCR for whatever reason, each member renounces any ongoing claim to the Assets unless otherwise provided for in this constitution.

e)    Every occasion upon which a member is elected to the JCR Committee will amount to a new declaration of trust on the terms provided by this section for the period of five years, or until the next election of JCR Committee members, whichever is sooner.

f)     If for whatever reason this trust should fail or the purposes of the trust should become obsolete (as judged by the membership of the JCR in a plenary meeting after consultation with the Senior Member and the Bursar of Brasenose College), the residual beneficiary under the trust shall be Brasenose College, for whom the JCR Committee shall hold the Assets absolutely. The receipt by a person who appears to be a proper officer of the College shall be a discharge to the President and Treasurer under the trust and if at that time the College has ceased to exist or has amalgamated with another Charitable organisation this trust shall not fail but the JCR Committee shall nominate as beneficiary the charitable organisation which they consider in their opinion most nearly fulfils the objects of Brasenose College.


8)    Procedure for Grievances

a)    If any member of the JCR should claim to have any grounds for complaint in their dealing with the JCR or should claim to have been unfairly disadvantaged by opting out of membership of the JCR the Complaints Procedure shall be the following:

i)     The complaint will be raised with the JCR President who will then take the necessary action to resolve the matter.

ii)   If the complaint is considered to be too closely related to the JCR President or with his/her conduct for him/her to deal with it, or if the actions taken by the JCR President in respect of any complaints raised are deemed to be unsatisfactory, complaints should then be raised with the Senior Member of the JCR.

iii) If the matter is still unresolved, it shall be referred to an independent person as specified in the Code of Practice.


9)    External Organisations

a)    The JCR is affiliated to the Oxford University Student Union and the National Union of Students.

b)    These affiliations must be approved every year at the JCR meeting in 5th week of Trinity term.

c)    Any JCR member may demand a secret ballot  to be held concerning the continued affiliation to the organisations listed in clause (9)(a) of this constitution prior to or at the JCR meeting at which this is discussed, specifically the meeting in 5th week of Trinity Term. JCR members will be notified of this meeting in advance, as per appendix B (a) (iv) of the Constitution. The procedure for requesting such a ballot is the same as that in Appendix B (a) (xi) of the Constitution. The matter will be decided by a simple majority of votes cast. Affiliations may not be reviewed at any other time during the year.

d)    The Treasurer must list all affiliations to outside organisations and all annual subscriptions in the annual financial report.

e)    Any new affiliations to organisations must be approved by a simple majority vote in a secret ballot and the names and subscription costs of all new organisations to which the JCR votes to affiliate must be made available to the Governing Body and to all JCR members.



1)    Appendix A – Opting Out

a)    The right to opt out of membership of the JCR shall be advertised, by some appropriate means, to all students by the Senior Member of the JCR during the first two weeks of Michaelmas term, as outlined in the Code of Practice.

b)    Any student who wishes to exercise their right to opt out for the whole academic year must notify the Senior Member by Sunday of 3rd week in the Michaelmas term.


2)    Appendix B – The Regulations of the JCR

a)    Meetings of the JCR

i)     The JCR shall meet three times a term, once in 1st Week, once in 5th Week and once in 7th Week, with an optional meeting in 3rd Week to be used, at the discretion of the JCR Committee, and only if something critical comes up which must be discussed then and not in 5th Week. The meetings shall take place on Sunday at 8:30 pm unless expediency dictates otherwise.

ii)   Every full member of the JCR is entitled to propose, second and vote on motions in JCR meetings.

iii) Each meeting shall be chaired by the President unless:

(1) The President is unable to attend the meeting in which case they must ensure that another appropriate person is able to chair the meeting;

(2) The President wishes to make a speech proposing or relating to any motion under discussion in which case they must pass on the chair to an appropriate person until the speech is finished.

(3) In both cases the replacement is subject to ratification by those present. Any JCR member who wishes to challenge the President’s decision should propose a motion suggesting an alternative chairman. The meeting should then vote between the two nominees, the nominee with the larger amount of votes being chosen.

iv)  Members of the JCR must be informed by public notice of any meeting, other than an emergency meeting, at least a week before it is held. The deadline for submitting ordinary motions is to be no earlier than four days before any meeting. The agenda for the meeting, including all motions submitted before the deadline, is to be advertised at least 72 hours before the meeting. The agenda should be structured to include the following subsections: Amendments to previous minutes, JCR Committee Notices, Carry-Over Motions, JCR Motions, Discussion Points.

v)    Motions may only be submitted after the deadline if there are substantial reasons that prevented it being submitted on time. The Secretary shall have discretion to decide whether substantial reasons exist. Such motions are to be publicised by the Secretary as soon as possible. No motions of censure, or to change this constitution, may be submitted as emergency motions.

vi)  Each motion must be proposed and seconded by a full member of the JCR.

vii)         The President, if they feel it necessary, or any other member of the JCR who presents at least 50 signatures of full members of the JCR in their support, may call an emergency meeting of the JCR. 2 days’ notice of the meeting and its agenda must be circulated by an appropriate method to every JCR member in residence in Oxford.

viii)       An amendment to the motion may be put to the meeting by any member while the motion is being debated, provided that it does not change the essence of the motion. If the amendment is proposed or accepted by the proposer of the original motion it is immediately adopted; if not, the amendment must be formally proposed, seconded, discussed and voted on. If the amendment is passed, the amended motion will be debated and voted on.

ix)  Each JCR member is entitled to speak on any motion, and should indicate his/her wish to do so by raising a hand. The chair’s decision on the order and number of speakers must be accepted unless formally challenged.

x)    No motion can be debated or voted on unless there is a quorum of 30 JCR members present at the meeting. If it is found that the meeting is, or has become, inquorate, the President may adjourn the meeting for up to 10 minutes until a quorum has been reached. If this has not happened, the meeting must be closed and its business carried forward to the next meeting.

xi)  Nobody entering the JCR after a vote has been called for is allowed to vote on that particular motion.

xii)         All motions shall be passed or defeated by strict majority voting and by a show of hands unless one of the following three conditions is met:

(1) a vote is passed by a simple majority of those present to hold a secret ballot

(2) a JCR member requests a secret ballot prior to the meeting and the request is approved by the JCR Secretary and JCR President, or

(3) the proposed motion or part of the constitution specifically relating to the type of motion under discussion states otherwise.

xiii)        Each of the following procedural motions must be debated as soon as it is put, unless more than one is proposed at the same time, in which case they should be debated in the following order:

(1) The meeting has no confidence in the chair.

(2) The chair be overruled.

(3) The meeting be closed.

(4) The meeting be adjourned.

(5) A quorum count be taken.

(6) The order of business be changed.

(7) The motion be not put.

(8) The motion be put to the vote.

(9) The motion be taken in parts.

(10)                The motion be voted on by secret ballot.

(11)                A non–member of the JCR be allowed to speak on a motion.

(12)                There should be a recount.

(13)                The minutes of a previous meeting be amended.

(14)                A specific person who is not a member of the JCR be ejected.

xiv)        A motion to close the meeting may be put if any Constitutional requirement concerning the meeting of the JCR has not been met by the Chair.

xv)The chair may put any of the above procedural motions to the meeting and if unopposed, it will be carried without any formal voting.

xvi)       Any JCR Officer who is thought not to be carrying out his/her duties to the satisfaction of the JCR may be censured by the JCR. A motion of censure may only be put as an ordinary motion according to clause a)iv) of this appendix. If necessary an emergency meeting will be called. If a motion of censure against an Officer is passed, that Officer must resign.

xvii)     xvi. A copy of this Constitution will be posted on the JCR website, and a hard copy shall be permanently available in the College Office or can be obtained from the President.

b)    Officers of the JCR

i)     The JCR shall elect the following Officers to the JCR Committee:

(1) President

(2) Access and Admissions Rep

(3) Arts Rep

(4) Diversities and Equalities Rep

(5) Vice-President – Domestic

(6) Entertainments Reps x 2 – Internal and External

(7) External Entertainments Rep

(8) Environment Rep

(9) Welfare Reps x 3

(10)                IT Rep

(11)                Secretary

(12)                Sports Rep

(13)                Treasurer

(14)                Vice-President (Academic and Careers)

(15)                Women’s Officer

(16)                Charities Rep

(17)                Freshers Reps x 2

ii)   These Officers shall comprise the JCR Committee. This committee is empowered to propose JCR motions and to negotiate with the College authorities on the basis of mandates from the JCR, and on the discretion of its members on behalf of the JCR.

iii) The roles of the Committee members shall be as follows:

(1) The President shall:

(a)  Chair the meetings of the JCR.

(b) Oversee the work of the JCR committee.

(c)  Represent the JCR in College meetings and on Oxford SU Council.

(d) Ensure that this Constitution is adhered to.

(e)  Assist the Vice-President – Domestic in the conduct of the annual room ballot, and the subsequent allocation of rooms.

(f)  Be drawn 1st in the appropriate room ballot.

(2) The Access and Admissions Rep shall:

(a)  Promote the image of Brasenose College to target schools.

(b) Represent the JCR on the College’s Admissions Committee.

(c)  Help organise school visits and College Open Days and help to organise hosts for interviewees in Michaelmas term.

(d) Co-ordinate all JCR social media accounts.

(e)  Act in a supporting role for the Freshers Rep where necessary during Freshers Week and any other related events.

(3) The Arts Rep shall:

(a)  Organise the Arts festival in the 3rd week of Trinity term.

(b) Chair and organise the Arts Fund committee and manage the arts fund.

(c)  Convene an Arts Committee by the start of Hilary term.

(d) At all times, the following positions must be filled: Treasurer, Vice President, Secretary & Freshers’ Week Co-ordinator.

(e)  Propose a provisional budget and timetable to relevant members of college by the end of the 8th week of Hilary term.

(f)  Propose a finalised budget and timetable to college no later than the Sunday of 1st Week Trinity.

(g) Organise the Arts and Societies dinner in Hilary term.

(h) Inform and help the Freshers in their Cuppers drama application.

(i)   Liaise regularly with the Director of College Music, Senior Member for Arts Week, Senior Member of the Brazen Arts fund, and other appropriate college Officers.

(j)   Promote the Arts in college.

(4) The Diversities and Equalities Rep shall:

(a)  Attend, if possible, the University Counselling Services-run Peer Support programme and become a trained peer supporter.

(b) Be available to talk to people in a confidential peer support capacity.

(c)  Distribute information they should receive relating to the welfare of minorities freely and without discrimination.

(d) Organise one welcome event during Freshers’ week and one event per term.

(e)  Liaise with the Oxford SU LGBTQ+ Officer, Black and Minority Ethnic Students’ & Anti-Racism Officer and Disabilities Officer, and the HCR D&E Rep, organising one termly meeting with the latter, along with the Welfare reps from both Common Rooms and any members of the D&E Committee.

(f)  Chair the D&E Committee, oversee its work and support all members of this Committee. Consult regularly with members of the D&E Committee about issues and experiences related to their respective minority groups.

(5) The Vice-President – Domestic shall:

(a)  Meet regularly with the Accommodation Manger, Domestic Bursar and catering staff.

(b) Act on domestic and food complaints and suggestions from the JCR.

(c)  Organise JCR Guest dinners and halfway hall.

(d) Help organise out of term storage.

(e)  Represent the JCR on the College’s General Purposes Committee along with the President, Vice-President – Academic and Treasurer.

(f)  Have overall responsibility for the administration of the annual room ballot, and the subsequent allocation of rooms.

(g) Support the work of the JCR President, and deputise for the President as required.

(6) Entertainments Reps shall:

(a)  Hust and stand for election independently.

(b) Upon election, work together to provide appropriate events for the amusement of all students at the College.

(c)  The External Entertainments Rep shall:

(i)   Jointly manage the entertainments fund with the Internal Entertainments Rep

(ii) Lead the organisation of the following annual events: Christmas Party, Spring Fling, Garden Party and Matriculation Ball

(iii)                 Lead the organisation of all other external entertainments events.

(iv)                 Assist the Freshers Rep in preparing for external entertainments events in Freshers’ Week.

(d) The Internal Entertainments Rep shall:

(i)   Jointly manage the entertainments fund with the External Entertainments Rep.

(ii) Lead the organisation of the following internal events: Bops, Cocktails, Summer Sports Days and club nights.

(iii)                 Lead the organisation of all other ‘internal’ entertainments events.

(iv)                 Assist the Freshers Rep in preparing for internal entertainments events and club nights in Freshers’ Week.

(7) The Environment Rep shall:

(a)  Promote general environmental and ethical issues in the College.

(b) Commit to raising awareness and campaigning to reduce the environmental impact of the JCR and the College more broadly.

(c)  Run campaigns within College on environmental and ethical issues.

(d) Attend meetings of the Oxford SU Environment and Ethics Committee and promote their campaigns and events in the College.

(e)  Be responsible for the management of the Brasenose College Environment & Ethics Fund (as provided for by Appendix B.d.i.c).

(f)  Oversee provision and management of any communal recycling bins provided in College and Frewin.

(g) Organise and attend termly meetings with the Domestic Bursar and other accommodation and housekeeping staff.

(8) The IT Rep shall:

(a)  Maintain and run the JCR website, working with the JCR Secretary to ensure the JCR Constitution and meeting minutes are fully up to date on the website.

(b) Ensure the JCR website is secure by collaborating with the College’s IT Office.

(c)  Liaise with the IT Office on matters relating to the College’s IT provision.

(d) Be responsible for the upkeep of all electronic equipment owned by the JCR.

(e)  Be responsible for all matters relating to the JCR’s subscriptions to television services.

(9) The Secretary shall:

(a)  Take and keep the minutes of JCR meetings, and such committee meetings as may be convened.

(b) Answer the JCR mail and send out notices.

(c)  Be in charge of all aspects of the common room itself.

(d) Represent the JCR at Oxford SU Council and promote good relations between the JCR and Oxford SU.

(e)  Propose a motion to consider the JCR’s affiliation to Oxford SU and NUS in the JCR meeting in 5th week of Trinity Term.

(f)  Liaise with the IT Rep to ensure the JCR Constitution and meeting minutes are fully up to date on the JCR Website.

(g) Be responsible for ensuring that all motions passed at a JCR meeting are fulfilled as far as possible.

(10)                The Sports Rep shall:

(a)  Provide advice and contact details for sporting events/teams in college.

(b) Organise an annual sports dinner to celebrate sporting achievements during the year.

(c)  Manage the Amalgamated Sports Fund.

(d) Be responsible for the JCR Croquet set and for any playing of croquet that may be permitted on College lawns.

(11)                The Treasurer shall:

(a)  Take all necessary steps to ensure that the JCR remains in good financial health.

(b) Keep the accounts of the JCR funds not under another Officer’s care.

(c)  Present an annual financial report and budget by the beginning of Hilary term (after their term as Treasurer has finished), as prescribed in para. (5) of this Constitution.

(d) Make all payments mandated by the JCR.

(e)  Take responsibility for the booking of punts in Trinity term.

(f)  Run the JCR opt-out schemes for the Punt Club, JCR Garden Party and Key Insurance.

(g) Represent the JCR in college meetings and otherwise support the JCR President.

(h) Meet bi-termly with the relevant committee reps/sub-committee leads to discuss the current financial standing of any JCR financial accounts.

(i)   Present termly reports to the Senior Member of the JCR.

(12)                The Vice-President – Academic shall:

(a)  Support the work of the JCR President, and deputise for the President as required.

(b) Liaise with the Alumni Relations & Development Office, and with the Brasenose Society.

(c)  Organise careers events in College, in consultation with the Alumni Relations & Development Office, and the Officers of the HCR.

(d) Meet, as required, with the Senior Tutor and Fellow Librarian, as well as the Academic Administrator and College Librarian.

(e)  Handle academic issues in the College – advising and assisting students if the need arises.

(f)  Supervise and coordinate the process of student feedback on teaching and learning in Brasenose.

(g) Attend Library Meetings and the College’s Library and Archives Committee.

(13)                The Welfare Reps shall:

(a)  Attend, if possible, the University Counselling Services-run Peer Support programme and become trained peer supporters.

(b) Be available to talk to people in a confidential peer support capacity if needed within the college.

(c)  Inform all students of the student financial support available to them.

(d) Meet regularly with the Dean, Chaplain, and other appropriate College Officers to monitor provision for welfare within the College.

(14)                The Women’s Officer shall:

(a)  Promote gender equality in the JCR and in the College more generally.

(b) Organise one women’s event in Freshers’ Week, and at least one event per term subsequently.

(c)  Liaise with the Vice-President – Academic in organising women’s careers events.

(15)                The Charities Rep shall:

(a)  Promote general charitable activity and organise charitable events in the College.

(b) Attend meetings of the Oxford SU RAG committee and promote their campaigns and events in the College.

(c)  Manage the JCR Charities Fund as outlined in Appendix C and ensure that they comply with all obligations and requirements detailed in Appendix C.

(d) Run campaigns in College encouraging charitable works.

(e)  Ensure that the JCR Charities Policy is provided for members of the JCR at least each term (as required by Appendix C.v).

(f)  Liaise with the Oxford Hub and other charitable organisations.

(g) Promote volunteering opportunities in College.

(16)                The Freshers Rep shall:

(a)  Organise Freshers’ Week with the Entertainment Reps.

(b) Organise Matriculation events with the Entertainment Reps.

(c)  Convene a Committee to assist in the organisation of Freshers’ Week.

(d) Be elected in Week 7 of Michaelmas Term.

(e)  Communicate with offer holders once they have their offers to introduce them to life at Brasenose (including, but not limited to, offer holder events, both online and in person).

(f)  Organise JCR college families.

iv)  The JCR shall elect the following Officers to the Diversities and Equalities Committee, which will be chaired by the D&E Rep. These Officers will not serve on the JCR Committee. The President, Access Rep and Women’s Rep may sit on this Committee should they desire with the consent of the D&E Rep. Brackets refer to the encouraged, but not required, identities of each Rep.

(1) Racial & Ethnic Minorities Rep x2

(2) LGBTQ+ Rep (Sexuality)

(3) LGBTQ+ Rep (Gender)

(4) Disabilities’ Rep (Physical)

(5) Disabilities’ Rep (Neurodivergence & Mental Disorders)

(6) International Students’ Rep

(7) Religion & Culture Rep

(8) Class Rep

(9) First-generation Students’ Rep

v)    If any Officer resigns his/her post before the start of Michaelmas term, an election must be held for that post. If a vacancy occurs after the start of Michaelmas term, the President may fill it in accordance with clause (b)(ix) of this Constitution, with the approval of the Senior Member.

vi)  When there is a Ball President, they shall have the right to attend all meetings of the JCR Committee.

c)    Election of Officers

i)     The election for JCR President shall take place on Tuesday of 3rd week in Michaelmas term. The elections for other posts shall be split in such a way as is determined by the Returning Officer between Tuesday of 5th week and Tuesday of 7th week in Michaelmas term. Voting will be by means of the online Mi-Voice system between 9am and 7pm on the day in question. The elections for the D&E Committee will take place on Tuesday of 2nd week in Hilary term.

ii)   The Returning Officer shall be a JCR member nominated by the President, and shall hold office for one term. The Returning Officer may be re-nominated to hold office for more than one term, up to a maximum of three terms. Any JCR member who wishes to challenge the President’s nomination for Returning Officer should propose a motion at a JCR meeting suggesting an alternative Returning Officer. The meeting should then vote between the two nominees, the nominee with the greater number of votes being chosen.

iii) iii. The Returning Officer shall post a notice 14 days before each election calling for nominations for the offices of the JCR.

iv)  No nominations received fewer than 8 days before each election shall be valid.

v)    Clause (c)(iv) may be waived by the Returning Officer with the consent of the JCR Committee and the Senior Member.

vi)  The nominations must include the names of the candidate and the candidate’s proposer and seconder, who must all be full members of the JCR. Nominations must state for which office the candidate wishes to stand. Nominations must also include a manifesto of no more than 150 words, except for manifestos for the role of JCR President, which may be no more than 300 words.

vii)         A notice containing all the specified particulars of all nominees shall be announced by email and posted in the JCR by the Returning Officer not later than 5 days before the election.

viii)       No full JCR member may propose or second more than one candidate for any one office.

ix)  No candidate may propose or second any other candidate for any office.

x)    The JCR President and the Returning Officer may not propose or second any candidate and must remain strictly impartial in their conduct during the course of the election.

xi)  A candidate may withdraw their nomination at any time before the opening of the polls by giving notice by email to the Returning Officer, who shall immediately post a notice of such a withdrawal.

xii)         All full members of the JCR, and only full members, are entitled to stand, propose, second and vote once in the elections.

xiii)       All candidates running for any position must be able to satisfy the Returning Officer that they will be in residence during the whole of their term of office.

xiv)       Clause (c)(xii) may be waived by the Returning Officer with the consent of the Executive Officers and the Senior Member.

xv)All candidates must prepare a short hust (3 minutes) for the end of the JCR meeting directly before the election. They must then field questions from the floor, which should be asked to all candidates (no direct questions) and filtered by the meeting’s chairperson, who shall be the JCR President or another person appointed subject to the provisions of Appendix B.a.iii.

xvi)       No canvassing or advertising, or campaigning of any kind, with the exception of the JCR-organised hustings, should take place before elections. This regulation shall be in force from the opening of nominations for an election.

xvii)     The Returning Officer is to monitor online voting for any irregularities.

xviii)    Any candidate may appoint an agent by informing the Returning Officer in writing. An agent must be a full JCR member and must not be a candidate for any of the JCR offices.

xix)       The JCR President & Senior Member of the JCR shall observe the analysis of the votes by the Returning Officer using the Mi-Voice system. The candidates’ agents are entitled to witness the analysis. No other persons shall be allowed to observe the analysis.

xx)As soon as the result of the election has been established, it must be announced and a notice posted as soon as possible, giving details of votes cast for each candidate.

xxi)       Voting in the election shall be by a system of elimination known as the alternative vote system, details of which will appear on the ballot paper on the Mi-Voice system and which are described hereunder:

(1) Voters will number each candidate for each office according to their order of preference, until they have either numbered every candidate or they have no preference for any of the remaining candidates.

(2) There will also be a box labelled “Re–Open Nominations” (RON) for each post. If RON receives a majority of unspoilt first–choice votes, there will be a fresh election held as soon as is conveniently possible and the defeated candidates may not stand again for the same post. If RON receives a minority of first–choice votes, these papers’ second choice votes shall be re–allocated.

(3) When counting, if there are more than two candidates, the candidate with the lowest number of first–choice votes will be eliminated and the second choices on those ballot papers will be reallocated to the other candidates. The process is repeated until there are only two candidates remaining.

(4) When two candidates remain, the candidate with the clear majority will be duly elected.

(5) In the event of candidates receiving an equal number of votes, the winner will be the person with the advantage at the earliest stage of voting. Only in the event where candidates are tied at every stage of preferences will a coin be tossed, which will be presided over by the Returning Officer.

(6) The Returning Officer shall provide clear instructions on the means of voting to all members of the JCR by some appropriate means.

xxii)     A record should be kept of the result (count and turnout).

xxiii)    Any full member of the JCR may within 5 days of the declaration of the results give notice in writing to the Senior Member that they object to the results. The Senior Member shall at once email a notice to all members of the JCR saying that an objection has been lodged and inform the Returning Officer that the results should not be deleted from the Mi-Voice account. The Senior Member may confirm the results, conduct a recount or annul the election. If the election is annulled, the Senior Member shall instruct the Returning Officer to take steps to organise a fresh election.

xxiv)    After the election, the JCR President and the Returning Officer should submit a report on the election, including the full results, to the College’s Governing Body.

xxv)      If a full member of the JCR is unable to use the Mi-Voice system to vote on the grounds of disability or some other grave cause, they shall have the right to appoint a Senior Member of the college as a proxy to enter their votes. The Returning Officer shall announce this possibility and do all within their power to facilitate such a course of action.

xxvi)    (1) Welfare Reps should be elected in a two-stage, two-week process. Candidates of all genders shall stand in the first week. Then an election, as detailed above, shall take place. The following week, a second election shall take place, also as detailed above. This will have the same candidates as the previous election, bar those who identify as the same gender as the first election’s winner. The victor of this election shall be the second welfare rep.

      (2) No new hustings or manifestos will be used for the second election. The Returning Officer should distribute the original manifestos of the remaining candidates before the second election.

d)    Fixed Expenditures:

i)     The JCR currently makes the following termly donations to internal funds. These donations are subject to clause c)iii) of the Constitution:

(1) Brasenose College Welfare Fund – £1000

(2) Brasenose College Arts Fund – £250

(3) Brasenose College Environment & Ethics Fund – £100

(4) Any other expenditures shall be outlined in the Treasurer’s Annual Budget.

ii)   Each student may also pay a voluntary levy on their termly batels bills as follows:

(1) JCR Charities Fund £7

(2) JCR Entertainments Fund £9.50

(3) JCR Punting Scheme (Trinity only) £16

(4) JCR Garden Party (Trinity only) £10

(5) JCR Arts Festival (Trinity only) £8

iii) These levies are subjected to an annual review by the JCR Treasurer and may be amended by the process outlined in clause 5.d of the Constitution.

iv)  These levies are entirely voluntary and any student who does not wish to pay is not obliged to do so, and may opt out of his/her subscription by informing the Treasurer of his/her desire to do so.

v)    No student may participate in the activities funded by these levies if they have opted out.

3)    Appendix C – The JCR Charities Fund

a)    The JCR Charities Rep is responsible for ensuring the effective management by the College Finance Department of the JCR Charities Fund and of the making of charitable donations passed by the JCR in addition to the Fund.

b)    The income for the JCR Charities Fund shall come from the Batels bill levies as detailed in Appendix B.

c)    The JCR Charities Rep shall ensure that the Fund is distributed by the College Financial Controller each term according to the terms of the JCR Charities Policy (see s4)

d)    The JCR Charities Policy will describe a process by which money from the JCR Charities Fund is allocated termly to charities.

i)     The JCR Charities Policy must be written and agreed to by the JCR Charities Rep in conjunction and consultation with other relevant JCR Officers.

ii)   The JCR Charities Policy must be approved by the JCR Committee, by majority vote, in Hilary Term (following the election of new JCR Officers) and any subsequent amendments proposed by the JCR Charities Rep must also be approved by majority vote of the JCR Committee before they may take effect.

iii) The JCR Charities Rep must make available at least each term, and prior to the dispensation of funds from the JCR Charities Fund, the current JCR Charities Policy for members of the JCR to consult.

iv)  The JCR Charities Rep must present a motion to the JCR meeting taking place in 3rd week of each term if the JCR Charities Fund is to be distributed otherwise than in accordance with the aforementioned JCR Charities Policy.

e)    The JCR Charities Policy, and any other scheme for the distribution of funds as proposed in accordance with s4 must ensure that funds are only distributed to charities which are legally registered in England and Wales. The JCR Charities Rep shall be responsible to the JCR for ensuring this occurs.

f)     The JCR Charities Rep shall distribute money according to the JCR Charities Policy (see Appendix C.iv).

g)    There must be a written JCR Charities Policy, agreed by the JCR Charities Rep in conjunction and consultation with other relevant JCR Officers. This will describe a process by which money from the JCR Charities Fund is allocated termly to charities. It must be approved by the JCR Committee, by majority vote, in Hilary Term (following the election of new JCR Officers) and any subsequent amendments proposed by the JCR Charities Rep must also be approved by majority vote of the JCR Committee before they may take effect.

h)    The JCR Charities Rep must make available at least each term, and prior to the dispensation of funds from the JCR Charities Fund, the current JCR Charities Policy for members of the JCR to consult.

i)     The JCR Charities Rep must present a motion to the JCR meeting taking place in 3rd week of each term if the JCR Charities Fund is to be distributed otherwise than in accordance with the aforementioned JCR Charities Policy.

j)     The JCR Charities Policy, and any other scheme for the distribution of funds as proposed in accordance with Appendix C.v, must ensure that funds are only distributed to charities which are legally registered in England and Wales. The JCR Charities Rep shall be responsible to the JCR for ensuring this occurs.

4)    Appendix D – JCR Policies

a)    The JCR policy concerning all matters not relating to Oxford students is ‘no policy’ unless a motion on a particular issue is passed by a majority vote at a JCR meeting specifying otherwise.

b)    Any JCR Member may request Brasenose representation at an Oxford SU Council meeting by writing to the President. Should there be no such requests, the JCR President, consulting with the Vice-President – Academic, will decide if an issue is relevant to students at Brasenose.

c)    It is the duty of the JCR President, consulting with the Vice-President – Academic to decide if an issue is relevant to students at Brasenose.

d)    The JCR has three votes at OUSU Council: one for the JCR President, one for the JCR Secretary, and a third vote. The third vote may be used by any full member of the JCR who expresses an interest to the JCR President. Should more than one full member of the JCR express an interest, the JCR President shall decide who attends, explaining in writing the reasons for their decision. Should no full member of the JCR express an interest in attending, a JCR Committee member shall attend.

e)    The JCR’s representatives at OUSU Council may be bound to vote in a certain way by a motion of the JCR. Any member of the JCR can propose a debate on an agenda point for OUSU Council.

5)    Appendix E – The Room Ballot

a)    Brasenose undergraduates will be guaranteed, subject to the provisions of clause b, accommodation arranged by the College through the duration of their undergraduate course and the room ballot will decide the order in which students may select rooms. All students sign for their rooms in the presence of the JCR President and the Accommodation Manager, or a representative chosen by them.

b)    Students who go out of residence, whether voluntarily or as a result of rustication, are not guaranteed accommodation after they return to residence, and are not included in the room ballot for the year immediately after their expected return unless they are due to return during the academic year in which the ballot takes place. Accommodation questions relating to students who go out of residence are generally outside the remit of the JCR and are the responsibility of the College’s Welfare Committee and the Accommodation Manager, in consultation with the JCR President.

c)    The room ballot procedure should be carried out according to the following process by the JCR Vice-President – Domestic, assisted by the President:

i)     Tenancy rooms

(1) The tenancy ballot is sorted first by a summed points system whereby:

(a)  4th Year scientists = 4 points

(b) Overseas students (including Scotland, but not including Wales) = 3 points

(c)  All those due to enter their final year as undergraduates = 2 points.

(d) Students participating in University-level activities which require them to live in Oxford for extensive periods out of term time = 1 point.

(e)  No student shall have more than 4 points.

(2) The JCR Vice-President – Domestic will then, having obtained a list of tenancy rooms from the Accommodation Manager, organise a session for the selection of rooms by those on the tenancy ballot.

(a)  None of the additional privileges enumerated at E.c.ii.1.c shall apply to tenancy rooms.

ii)   Ordinary Rooms

(1) The JCR Vice-President – Domestic shall:

(a)  Obtain a list of all available ordinary rooms from the Accommodation Manager.

(b) Divide the students between the A, B and C ballots, according to the following rules:

(i)   Students on three-year courses by default follow the order: B, A.

(ii) Students on four-year courses (except Lit Hum) follow the order: B,A,C

(iii)                 Lit Hum students follow the order: B,C,A.

(iv)                 Students may request to follow a different order in they wish.

(v) The room ballot must be randomised by the JCR IT Rep with the support of the JCR Vice-President – Domestic, and in the presence of three witnesses. These witnesses will be the JCR President, the JCR Vice-President Domestic and the Accommodation Manager of Brasenose,  or a representative chosen by them. All witnesses to the randomisation must testify that the ballot was correctly drawn when the result of the randomisation is distributed to JCR members. The randomisation process will be in a spreadsheet; it must be explained transparently to all JCR members in advance and upon distribution.

(vi)                 v. The room ballot must be drawn by the end of 8th week of Michaelmas, unless in exceptional circumstances, as detailed by subsection 7. Members must be informed at least two weeks before the randomisation of the room ballot about signing up for the Tenancy Ballot by the JCR Vice-President – Domestic. The JCR Vice-President – Domestic must inform members about how to register of the Tenancy Ballot no later than the end of 6th Week in Michaelmas term.

(vii)                Any students with special circumstances (e.g course changes) may be placed as the JCR Vice-President – Domestic feels is appropriate – but no one may be on the A ballot twice, regardless of circumstances.

(viii)              Students returning from suspension (rustication), in a Michaelmas term, who have previously been on the A ballot, as per vii, may not be placed on the A ballot again. Returning students will enter into the ballot they ordinarily would have for that year of study, unless it would be the A ballot.

(ix)                 Where members desire to share a flat with another member, all members must be from the same ballot. If any member chooses a room in a flat, they may invite other member(s) of their choice from the same ballot to take the other room(s) in the flat, irrespective of their place in that ballot.

(c)  Sort the 3 ballots randomly using Microsoft Excel, taking the following into account:

(i)   The JCR President shall take first place on their ballot.

(ii) The Access and Admissions rep, Vice-President-Domestic and one Welfare Rep (chosen at random or by mutual consent) shall be in the top half of their ballot.

(iii)                 Rooms are reserved for the Senior Organ Scholar, Bible Clerk and Boat Club President.

(iv)                 A room may be reserved for the Subaltern Organ Scholar, at their discretion and in consultation with the Chaplain, Accommodation Manager and Director of College Music, or they may enter the room ballot.

(2) The Vice-President – Domestic shall organise sessions for students to view rooms in College and the Frewin Annex.

(3) The JCR Vice-President-Domestic shall organise a session, in consultation with the Accommodation Manager, for students to select their rooms. The A ballot shall select their rooms first, followed by the B ballot, followed by the C ballot.

(4) The Welfare Reps shall ensure that there is appropriate support available for students before, during and after the balloting sessions.

(5) If there is a waiting list after the ballot, the Vice-President – Domestic shall ordinarily assign rooms to those on the list in the order of the ballot. They should take appropriate advice, acting within confidentiality guidelines and passing on any information from the Welfare Reps, from the Domestic Bursar on behalf of Welfare Committee if there are welfare issues that necessitate different allocations. See part C for waiting list specifications.

(6) The Room Ballot shall be drawn in Michaelmas Term, as soon as possible after the election of the new JCR President. The sessions for selecting rooms shall take place in 4th Week of Hilary Term, or at another suitable time in Hilary Term at the discretion of the JCR Committee in consultation with the Accommodation Manager and Domestic Bursar, except in circumstances detailed by subsection 7.

(7) In exceptional ‘emergency’ circumstances (including, but not limited to, pandemics or national movement restrictions) the JCR President, with approval from the JCR Committee, the Accommodation Manager and the Domestic Bursar can postpone the Room Ballot and Room Signings by up to 8 weeks of full term each.

(8) Students who are on their year abroad must appoint, by emailing the JCR President, a proxy to sign for their room. The JCR President shall contact such students to remind them at an appropriate juncture. If a student is unable to attend the room signing for any other reason, they should appoint a proxy by sending another student with their University card and a signed note to the session.

(9) Swapping rooms that have been signed for should be considered the exception and not the norm. As stated in the Blue Book, swapping rooms will result in a charge of £35 and be permitted only with the agreement of the JCR President, JCR Vice-President – Domestic, and the Domestic Bursar’s office.

(10)                 In any matter relating to the room ballot not explained here, the JCR President shall act according to their discretion, but with the approval of the JCR Committee and in special consultation with the Vice-President – Domestic and Accommodation Manager.

(11)                xi. Any motion put to the JCR that impacts the organising of the Room Ballot must be voted on via online referendum. All members, especially those on a year abroad or who are suspended, must be informed of the referendum by the Returning Officer.

iii) Waiting lists specifications

(1) In order to avoid students being left unhoused by the beginning of term: Should the Unhoused waiting list be populated then that population will be automatically treated as if, though retaining their positions relative to one another on the Unhoused waiting list, they are 1st on the Frewin Waiting List once there remains only ten days before the Sunday of 0th week of Michaelmas OR there remains the number of days equal to one half the number of people still on the Unhoused waiting list (rounded up) before the Sunday of 0th week of Michaelmas, whichever is greater

(2) The College Waiting List shall consist of anyone on the A ballot only who chooses to join the list after signing for a room. They shall be offered rooms in the College Main Site that become available later, in the order of the ballot.

(3) The Frewin Waiting List shall consist of anyone on the B ballot that has not signed for a room in the College Main Site and who chooses to join the list after signing for a room. They shall be offered rooms in the Frewin Annex that become available later, in the order of the ballots.

(4) The Automatic Waiting List shall consist of anyone on any of the A, B, and C ballots that was unable to sign for a room in either the College Main Site or the Frewin Annex. They shall be offered rooms in the Frewin Annex, should they become available later, in the order of the ballots.

(5) In cases of multiple waiting lists being needed, they shall be done in the following order: College Waiting List, Unhoused Waiting List, Automatic Waiting List, Frewin Waiting List. There is no waiting list for students on tenancy contracts. The decision not to sign for a room offered does not affect this system: individuals will remain on the waiting list in their current position.

(6) Those who believe they are likely to be unable to reply to a room offer via email within an appropriate amount of time (24 hours from sending) must do the following: Nominate a proxy who may make decisions on their behalf or provide the Vice-President – Domestic with the necessary information to contact them by means other than email. Furthermore, requests for additional time to accept or reject a room offer will be agreed to or denied by the JCR president or Vice-President – Domestic at their discretion.

(7) Emails sent by either the JCR President or the Vice-President – Domestic which contain room offers for anyone on any of the waiting lists will be considered read twenty-four hours after being sent. Where considered appropriate, at the discretion of the President or Vice-President – Domestic, those contacted may be given more time to reply. However, after this time period has elapsed, without a reply, the contacted student can be considered to have rejected the offer of a room.

6)    Appendix F – The Brasenose Ball

a)    Outline:

i)     The Brasenose Ball shall be an autonomous unincorporated association established in every odd-numbered year, either by the JCR alone or in conjunction with the HCR. The Brasenose Ball shall be led by an autonomous Ball President, with the assistance of a Ball Committee appointed by the Ball President.

ii)   The Brasenose Ball’s primary purpose shall be for the entertainment of Brasenose’s student body. It shall aim to break even or produce a small profit to be used by the next Ball.

b)    Establishment of the Brasenose Ball:

i)     HCR participation

(1) In Hilary Term of every even-numbered year the JCR President shall open discussions with the HCR President and previous Ball President (if still in residence) about the possibility of a joint JCR-HRC Ball. The JCR President, not the previous Ball President, shall have the final decision on the nature of the JCR’s involvement with the Ball. If an agreement with the HCR is reached, the JCR President shall propose the terms of the arrangement, including any necessary modifications to the stipulations below, to the JCR for approval prior to the election of a joint JCR-HCR Ball President.

(2) If an agreement is not reached, the JCR shall elect a JCR-only Ball President in accordance with the stipulations below.

ii)   Election, Committee, and handover

(1) The JCR Returning Officer shall oversee the election of a Ball President in 3rd week of Trinity Term of every even-numbered year, following the same procedure as stipulated for the election of JCR Committee positions.

(2) The Brasenose Ball shall be an autonomous unincorporated association. The Ball President shall appoint a Ball Committee of JCR students, organised however the Ball President sees fit. The JCR President and previous Ball President (if still in residence) may participate in Committee interviews and advise on appointments, but the new Ball President shall have the final decision on all appointments.

(3) The Brasenose Ball shall have a Senior Member in accordance with the College regulations for Clubs and Societies.

(4) On the election of a Ball President the previous Ball President shall provide the incoming Ball President with a confidential operational report and any other necessary documents, as well as access to any Ball bank accounts, and shall ensure the incoming Ball President receives the surplus (if any) from the previous Ball. If the previous Ball President will be out of residence by the election of a new Ball President, the previous Ball President shall ensure the operational report and any other instructions are left with the JCR President and previous Senior Member.

c)    Operations:

i)     Financial operations and reporting

(1) The financial arrangements, including treasurer responsibilities, access to bank accounts and provisional budget, shall be agreed in discussions between the Ball President, JCR President, Senior Member and Bursar. The Ball President shall then bring a proposal for a Ball to Governing Body. Subject to Governing Body’s approval, the Ball President will then be accountable for the good running of the Brasenose Ball to Governing Body through the Senior Member, and to the JCR through the JCR President.

(2) The Senior Member (on behalf of Governing Body) will receive a twice-termly report in some form from the Ball President (or as often as is requested by the Senior Member). The JCR President will also be updated by the Ball President at regular intervals. The Ball President will, however, remain autonomous and will not require the approval of the JCR President or Senior Member for their general actions. Operational responsibility for the Ball will remain entirely within the remit of the Ball President and Ball Committee, and the JCR President or JCR Committee would not be expected to intrude on the day-to-day management of the Ball.

(3) If the Ball requires any financial assistance from the JCR, including start-up loans and underwriting, the Ball President shall bring proposals to the JCR following the normal procedures for JCR financial motions. The Brasenose Ball shall seek to repay any JCR loans as soon as possible.

(4) The Ball President shall produce a report for the JCR President, Senior Member and Bursar on the running of the Ball in Michaelmas Term after the Ball. The Ball President shall also prepare a confidential operational report for the next Ball President.

ii)   Obligations to JCR students

(1) The Brasenose Ball shall be run primarily for the entertainment of Brasenose’s student body. The Ball may sell tickets to members of other Colleges, but it shall never offer terms (financial or otherwise) to members of other Colleges that disadvantage Brasenose JCR students.

(2) The Brasenose Ball shall sell tickets as early as the Ball President sees fit, but the Ball Committee shall ensure that tickets are available without penalty to JCR students until the end of 4th week in Hilary Term before the Ball.

(3) If the Ball Committee wish to evacuate College students on the day of the Ball for Ball setup, the Ball President shall obtain the consent of the JCR through a motion of support before the Ball, stating why the evacuation is necessary.

iii) JCR and Ball assets

(1) Any JCR funds made available to the Brasenose Ball officers, by way of float, insurance, contribution or any other disposition where formal contractual terms are not agreed, are transferred to them to hold on trust for full and associate members of the JCR for the time being until the date of the next Ball President’s election to be applied in accordance with the terms of this Appendix. However, the JCR executive officers may exercise, on behalf of full and associate members of the JCR, the rights of the beneficiaries under the trust in claiming the transfer back to them, as JCR officers, of that money, provided that to do so does not interfere with the due operational autonomy of the Ball officers. The rights of full and associate members as beneficiaries under any trust arising in accordance with this Appendix are limited in the same way as the rights of full members are in respect of JCR funds in s. 7 of the JCR constitution.

(2) Once any financial obligations to the JCR have been repaid, the remaining (financial and non-financial) assets of the Brasenose Ball shall be held in the Ball account until the date of the next Ball President’s election, after which they shall be transferred in full for the incoming Ball President to use for the next Brasenose Ball.

7)    Appendix G – Referenda

a)    Application and Referendum Requirement:

i)     This Appendix applies when any motion at a JCR Meeting seeks to amend the provisions of Appendix B (b) (Officers of the JCR) by adding, removing or in any altering the elected Officers of the JCR, or amending their responsibilities as listed in Appendix B (b). Such a motion is henceforth referred to as an ‘Officer Motion’.

ii)   Any Officer Motion is subject to a requirement to hold a referendum in accordance with the provisions of this Appendix. The passage of the Officer Motion at a full meeting of the JCR is required before the referendum may take place.

iii) The JCR President and JCR Secretary shall determine whether a motion is an Officer Motion within the meaning of this Appendix. The Agenda for the relevant JCR Meeting must specify that the motion falls within the provisions of this Appendix and, therefore, will be subject to the effects of Appendix G (a) (ii).

iv)  No referendum may be held by the JCR otherwise than in accordance with the provisions of this Appendix.

v)    The results of the referendum shall be binding on the JCR and shall operate to amend the Constitution as specified in the motion so long as there is a minimum turnout of 30 members of the JCR.

vi)  The provisions of this Appendix shall apply notwithstanding any other provisions of the Constitution.

b)    Appointment and Responsibilities of the Returning Officer:

i)     The Returning Officer shall be a JCR member nominated by the JCR President at the relevant JCR meeting where the Officer Motion is discussed. Any JCR member who wishes to challenge the President’s nomination for Returning Officer may suggest an alternative Returning Officer at the JCR meeting. The meeting should then vote between the two nominees, the nominee with the greater number of votes being chosen.

ii)   A notice containing all the specified particulars of the referendum shall be announced by email and posted in the JCR by the Returning Officer not later than 24 hours before the referendum.

iii) The Returning Officer shall produce a list of indicative arguments both for and against the amendments. These arguments shall be based on the debate at the JCR Meeting and shall be drawn up in consultation with the JCR President, the proposer of the Officer Motion and any JCR Officer whose position is directly affected by the proposed amendment and with the assistance of minutes of the meeting provided by the JCR Secretary.

c)    Conduct of Referendums:

i)     An Officer Motion shall be subject to a referendum in which all members of the JCR shall be entitled to vote.

ii)   The referendum question may be set by the terms of the Officer Motion. In the event that no question is set in the motion the Returning Officer shall determine an appropriate question having regard to the character of the motion.

iii) A referendum should usually take place on the Tuesday following the meeting at which the JCR meeting considering the Officer Motion takes place, unless the JCR President determines that expediency dictates otherwise.

iv)  No canvassing, advertising, or campaigning of any kind, with the exception of the indicative arguments required to be provided by Appendix G (b) (iii), should take place before referendum. This regulation shall be in force from the sending of the Agenda for the JCR meeting until the close of the referendum.

v)    The referendum is to take place by online vote. The Returning Officer is to monitor online voting for any irregularities. In the event of any irregularities the Returning Officer shall at once stop the election, annul the result and organise a new referendum.

vi)  The JCR President & Senior Member of the JCR shall observe the analysis of the votes by the Returning Officer using the online voting system.

vii)         As soon as the result of the referendum has been established, it must be announced and a notice posted as soon as possible, giving details of votes cast and the result.

viii)       The Returning Officer shall provide clear instructions on the means of voting to all members of the JCR by some appropriate means.

ix)  A record should be kept of the result (count and turnout).

x)    Any full member of the JCR may within 5 days of the declaration of the results give notice in writing to the Senior Member that they object to the results. The Senior Member shall at once email a notice to all members of the JCR saying that an objection has been lodged and inform the Returning Officer that the results should not be deleted from the online voting account. The Senior Member may confirm the results, conduct a recount or annul the referendum. If the election is annulled, the Senior Member shall instruct the Returning Officer to take steps to organise a fresh referendum.

xi)  If a full member of the JCR is unable to use the online voting system to vote on the grounds of disability or some other grave cause, they shall have the right to appoint a Senior Member of the college as a proxy to enter their votes. The Returning Officer shall announce this possibility and do all within their power to facilitate such a course of action.

d)    Extraordinary Referendums.

i)     The JCR has no power to hold any referendum otherwise than in accordance with this Appendix. Notwithstanding this the JCR may hold a referendum on a motion of censure (as defined by Appendix B (a) (xv)) without requiring the approval of the JCR Committee, such a referendum shall be subject to the other provisions of this Appendix.

ii)   Any individual wishing to hold a referendum otherwise than on an Officer Motion shall make this intention clear to the JCR President and JCR Secretary prior to the submission of a motion.

iii) The JCR President shall then convene a meeting of the JCR Committee. The JCR Committee shall consider the request for an extraordinary referendum. The JCR Committee shall then vote on the request. If a majority of the JCR Committee approves the request then an extraordinary referendum will take place on the motion in accordance with this Appendix.

iv)  The JCR Secretary shall record the result of such a vote in the minutes of the JCR Committee meeting and explain that the motion has been approved for an extraordinary referendum when the Agenda is sent out.

v)    Any motion approved for an extraordinary referendum shall be treated as if it were an Officer Motion for the purposes of this Appendix.


8) Appendix H – Halfway Hall

a)    Second Year students will only pay 50% of the cost of the tickets for the annual Halfway Hall, hosted for said students.

b)    The JCR will request that the College will pay 50% of the cost of the tickets for said event.

c)    The JCR will pay any remaining cost of the tickets of said event up to the value of 50% of the cost of the ticket.

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